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8800gtx + supreme commander anyone?

26 Jun 2005
Has any1 played the Beta with an 8800gtx yet?

im running it on SLI 7800gtx's and it runs ok but it does lag once theres lots of units, the weird thing is tho that it runs the same with loads of units even if i drop the gfx from 1680x1050 4aa etc down to 1024 with everything turned off

im guessing that its probably just not quite coded right only being in BETA at the moment

but im also wondering if anyone is getting any amazing results with this game and a 8800 series card as supreme commander is supposed to be a DX10 game
26 Jun 2005
ok, cheers for that

ye I know my cpu needs updating, im waiting on the new quad core kenstfield cpu's to come out before doing so though, then im going to re-do my entire PC for dx10
26 Jun 2005
will be doing so :)

planning on:

Quad Core Kenstfield
2gig DDR2
whatever the top mobo at the time is
another 20.1" belinea monitor (for dual screen supreme commander)
since iv got SLI 7800's im gona wait on the gfx cards at the moment as graphically they seem to run the game (and everything else) amazingly, so i'll wait til some better DX10 cards come out before changing them
26 Jun 2005
you basically have two screens which you can mvoe around individually, you can leave one zoomed right out to map view and move the other around as normal or you could leave one at your base in normal view and use the other screen to go off an attack with so that when you want to rebuild while microing your fight you dont have to scroll right back to your base or w/e

i dont know if dual screen is in the beta but i know that split screen is, if you press HOME and END it turns it on and off and works in a very similar way in which the dual monitor will work

I will be buying another belinea 102035W 20.1" widescreen just for this game :)
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26 Jun 2005
This is the official statement regarding quad core and supreme commander:

"Gas Powered Games has had the opportunity with our Supreme Commander title to be on the leading edge of working with Intel’s Quad Core. The performance and experience enhancements we’ve seen implementing our multi-threaded architecture on Intel’s multi-core systems has shown us that these technologies will represent the minimum bar for the future of advanced gaming." -- Kent McNall, Gas Powered Games
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