8Pack 3600mhz 2 x 16gb CL - tRC timing advice please

18 Jan 2021
South England
Hi All,

I tried OC this to 4000mhz at 1.4c and it worked for a while and them randomly didn't.

Trying to reclock at 3600mhz and have tRC at 82

Other timings are 16-16-16-38 so my limited knowledge suggests 56 is lowest for tRC

Can anyone share experience they have of this please. I'm happy with the speed it has returned to, I just wondered if I am missing a trick and if it will make a material difference.

Gaming rig with 5800x and 6800xt with SAM enabled

Why do you want to run at 4000 MT/s?

it forces your infinity fabric to down clock. (Someone else with more knowledge can fill in the small details but I know Buildzoid and Hardware Unboxed both refuse to run RAM at 4000MT/s with AMD)

I don’t think that infinity fabric can reach 2000 mhz (4000 net).

I’d suggest using a ram tweaking guide and getting your ram to something like 14-15-14-38 with all of your sub timings updated too.

I’ve got 32gigs of Corsair RGB pro Samsung modules 3200CL 16-18-17 (or so) that aren’t the best quality B die but can make up a lot of ground at 16-17-16-38 with sub timings all updated because it’s dual rank.

I notice the difference when gaming with PUBG if my sub timings aren’t improved as the 1% lows are worse.
Thank you JollyJamma.

I'm fine with at 3600mhz the 4000mhz was probably unnoticeable when dealing with server lag.

It's just the tRC I am curious about as it is currently at 82 which is the optimised default when the CMOS is reset so I am sure it is not the best setting
I’m no expert on timings. I’m not Buildzoid but play around and see.

I usually use a timing guide and then push on from there but having a motherboard with no safe boot is infuriating.
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