8Pack ranked worlds number one Overclocker and takes 3D 11 WR to celebrate.

OcUK Staff
20 Feb 2012
John Smiths Stadium
As of yesterday I officially became ranked number one bencher world wide on HWbot. Something I am very pleased about and would like to thank the guys who support me Manufacturers, Colleagues, OCUK, CaseKing and forum members. The link below confirms this status!


But far be it from me to rest on my LN2 flask. I took out the single card 3D mark 11 record this morning. I now am in possession of all 3D Mark 11 records. So call me 11Pack from now on!!!! I have better scores in case someone tries to take me on!!! Conformation of this record can be found by following this link:


The details of the single card record are:
Score 23442
4930K 6150
DDR3 2733 C9-12-12-21 1T (Tight and Fast!!)
ASUS DC2 780ti 1825/2050 (XOC Bios)
King Pin cooling Venom on CPU and Der8aur Fat on GPU
Antec 1200w on System, Superflower + Bequiet 1200's on Card.


Link to score on the Bot!!
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Why not use liquid helium instead of nitrogen? :confused:

Helium in most cases would be no better at all. Most modern day components have cold bug so you can only go to full pot LN2 on very few. So really helium is no need at all.

e.g Haswell cold bug no lower than -135
780 ti like -110 - -120
290X no lower than -60
Samsung RAM -40
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