8Pack tears 4 Card 3D mark Vantage apart again!!

Pigi is correct. No OEM X chips, so no binning!!

This 4940K can do more too but I want it to last!!!
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This is a very good chip!!

In SF the chips we did over around 1.8v with did not last too long. This can do almost 6.3 ie 1 multi higher for all Graphics tests at 1.72v so I am sure with 1.8 it could pass all the CPU tests too but I aint risking it!!! They take too long to find and degrade too fast!!
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I have the said mentioned cards so lets see!!! AMD is looking very efficient in this bench.
Wouldn't Quad Titan GPU's give a better score or is Vantage too CPU dependant these days??

Nvidia Drivers dont scale at all beyond two GPU. Infact three and four card are worse. Yes it does scale with GPU for sure, but only with AMD showing the drivers are the issue.
Well done fella and to ocuk. Is this done at work or home? Great job if it's at work (jealous).

Done at home!!! I dont have LN2 at work very often at home I have 4 storage tanks on my patio!!!

I am not sure what that rig is pulling from the wall. I had 2 x 1200w PSU on that one.
Couldn't you push those cards to 1300mhz and break the 90 k barrier? :D

Easy on LN2. around 1500 would be possible for all four cards then. Not on water though all the cards dont clock as well. One wont do 1300 on water and the same card wont do 1900+ mems. So your held back by that one.

I was also gonna do 03 3 card with this setup and Haswell. But hav ethat set up for next. Then I will stick em on LN2.
Maybe yeah!!! Setting one card at different clocks is not often stable though in quad GPU but its worth a go your right.

I will just go LN2 next with these I think or with the 4x R290X I have!!! even better.
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