9 Fans & Ticking - Too sensitive?

27 Nov 2019
Hey guys, longtime buyer from OCUK but first time ever posting on the forums.

I recently completely a brand spanking new Ryzen 3700x build and retired my ancient Intel rig which had been limping along for about a decade (also originally an OCUK purchase!). I only really play older games like Stellaris anyway.. but I digress.

I decided to go with the excellent looking Lian Li 011 Dynamic, populated with the full complement of 9 120mm fans, three side intakes / three bottom intakes / three top exhausts on a full length AIO radiator, putting the "best place for the radiator in this case" argument aside for a moment. They're powered by a simple power splitter box with PWM control.

I went with the following fans because I've always been a total Alpenfohn junkie, I had their older style of fans in my old Intel build and thought they were great. https://www.overclockers.co.uk/alpe...ddressable-rgb-fan-triple-pack-fg-02d-al.html

So three boxes of those, totalling 9 fans. Routed them and plugged them all in, ran the system for a while and was very happy.. then one of the fans on the bottom started ticking. Very, very, quietly. So quietly that if I RMA it I fear the team at OCUK would tell me I'm hearing things. But here's where the problem is; now that's all I can hear, and I'm sure several of the others have begun to buzz and tick as well. For quite expensive fans, I'm either disappointed or am hearing things and going mad.

Then I read that some fans when mounted horizontally cause wear and undue noise, if they're a sleeve bearing, which I think the Alpenfohn fans are. So if I return them, would it be because I don't want them, or that they are faulty? I'm so confused. Am I being far too sensitive? I should point out that quietness was a top priority in this build, hence the use of an AIO and slow speed fans (but a lot of them, so superb positive pressure airflow).
Thanks for the reply, I did not know that about PWM fans. I've been using this splitter as it was the only one I could find that would do 9 or more fans at the same time: http://www.deepcool.com/product/dcoolingaccessory/2017-11/12_7223.shtml

Fairly sure that one just passes the PWM signal along and powers them all via the SATA power adaptor you plug into it.

On my decades old Intel build I just downvolted the fans and did not use PWM control. It was incredibly quiet. I suppose I could try that, too. I'll also try that Phanteks controller. Thanks. :)
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