£900 - £950 build

22 Dec 2014
Hello all,

I purchased my old system about 4 years ago from Overclockers and looking to upgrade, I have some experience in swapping components, I have added more RAM & changed the graphics card but wouldn't have the confidence to build a system from scratch I can spend up to £1000 if there is an extra charge from Overclockers to build it for me? Would they?

I have a budget of around £900-£950 to spend on a new system and I would need everything including a monitor. My main focus is gaming with it and if its possible with the budget leaving scope in a couple of months time to add more RAM or another Graphics Card or another H.D.D(but not essential). My main focus would be on a decent processor(on reviews thinking i5 over i7) & graphics card initially (not sure which way to go on this as mixed reviews on Nvidia or Radeon and which is best at the moment)

Any suggestions would be most appreciated


I mainly play Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls but also other RPGS like Skrim, The Witcher series & RTS(sins of a solar empire, total wars series & a few other 4X and tower defence games)
Thanks for the suggestion, I would need to fit in Windows to that somewhere, but I could take out the HDD I could live with the SSD and add a HDD later. In your opinion if I could stretch the budget a little would the 290 with the 3 free games be a better choice?
Thanks for the suggestion, I would need to fit in Windows to that somewhere, but I could take out the HDD I could live with the SSD and add a HDD later. In your opinion if I could stretch the budget a little would the 290 with the 3 free games be a better choice?

The 750W would handle 280 CrossFire but isn't ideal for 290 CrossFire.

Dropping to a 550W for a single card, might put you in reach of a GTX 970, as well as help towards the 290 if you prefer.
The 970! Eats anything at 1080p.

Runs virtually silent, low temps as far as GPU's go and draws considerably less power than Radeons equivalent (290)

750 PSU also enough to SLI this card in the future when prices have dropped and that extra performance is required.

One card to look at though so I hear is the MSI 290 Lightning version (if still on offer)
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