9800X3D build to pair with 9070XT

16 Oct 2003
Stocksfield, Northumberland
Hello all - ordered a 9070XT hellhound today, and looking for rest of build to go with it to replace my nearly 7 year old 2700X / Vega64 combo. Thinking something along the lines of :-

My basket at OcUK:

Total: £1,188.95 (includes delivery: £0.00)​

Comments on above...
-Roughly black colour scheme for internals
-would prefer the XL case but out of stock everywhere! Hopefully standard is big enough? After more low key than the super bling fish bowl designs - any alternate "classy" options to the Fractal?
-Ref CPU cooler and RAM RGB - can you set colours so for example can just have an offwhite glow if I wanted?
-SSD - not sure - not in list as so many options but needed!- 2TB decent / fast NVME - what's best?
-MB - again not sure - went off popular mid spec choice? B850 or X870 the best choice
-PSU - better tier but seems to get good reviews with praise for turning fan off for noise when not needed
-Do I need anymore case fans - is so what?
-Anything else needed - ie thermal paste / extra cables / splitters etc?
-For info monitor is 35" UW3440x1440p

Ref budget - happy with cost of what's above. If any obvious ways to reduce cost I'm keen to know, or conversely way to improve spec within same cost or slightly more, open to ideas.

Over to you guys for help :) Thanks in advance
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Looks like the North XL case may be coming back into stock next week at some places. Assume that would alleviate any space issues?
Gone ahead and ordered with an Antec flux case as watched a build video and looks decent!

Went for Auros Elite motherboard as seemed to get much better reviews on performance gains.

T500 ssd as was on offer, thanks!

Hopefully all will arrived tomorrow at some point, so wish me luck for build!

-Once built do I need to do anything in bios before installing windows?
-what’s next steps on setup progression once Windows installed?

As I mentioned above, last build was 7 ish years ago so have forgotten / totally out of loop on it! If anyone has any links to setup guides etc that are good please let me know

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