A big php/mysql project. Advice

13 Nov 2003
Hi All

Got a bit of a beast of a project to do and wanted some advice from you guys on how to do it.

The aim of the project is to take data from multiple feeds to sell on our amazon shop. So it needs to do the following

Import data from multiple csv files into a table - adding a unique identifier to each product_id, ie a product from feed 'A' would be called A-productid and feed B, B-productid. We need to do this so we can track where items come from, ie which feed, and also because its likely that there will be duplicates product ids.

The app will then need to remove any duplicate products, based on the price and stock. Ie the product with the lowest price and highest stock goes on, as a temporary measure we could just base this on price.

The next feature is that we need to be able to add ASINS, amazon ids, to products. I imagine the best way to do this is with a seperate table that links to the products table.

The bit where it gets diffucult is that I need to be able to tell Amazon when a product is no longer available by sending a 'delete' feed. So I would need to have a record of all items that are no longer on the feeds, if that makes sense.

Hope this all makes sense. This all seems very daunting to me, with my basic skills and I would really appreciate any advice that you guys can offer.

I'm not sure how the Amazon shop works.. do you have direct access to the tables? If you, drop and recreate the product tables with the new info if you can.. would be worth while haveing a backup table (that is not used for displaying products) that you flush everything too before dropping the live table.
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