a bit of a misc gaming thread"How to Protect Your Eyes While Gaming"

Úlfhednar said:
I've been hearing this since I was four years old and I am perfectly fine.
Same here, see, my hands are in that perfect of a condition that I can give them the V's and tell them to STFU and my eyes are that fine, I can stare at any fit women in the room ;)
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tang0 said:
i have quite a lot of floating black dots infront of my eyes 24/7, probably the computer caused this :<

Have you talked to an optician? My dad had the same, they're basically parts of the retina. If you have the same, you'll be told to keep an eye on it ready to phone an ambulance should your retina detach. Thats assuming of course it is parts of your retina, it could well not be.
I also found that phrase quite fitting :)

I think playing guitar and using mouse and keyboard it's only a matter of time before my hands are screwed :( but I'm not going to stop because I enjoy it. I've been using computers for 10 years and playing guitar for almost 4 now. I've not experienced Repetative strain yet...

fingers x'd

Boogle said:
Have you talked to an optician? My dad had the same, they're basically parts of the retina. If you have the same, you'll be told to keep an eye on it ready to phone an ambulance should your retina detach. Thats assuming of course it is parts of your retina, it could well not be.

:o :o :o :o

I don't like the sound of that

Ive had them ages though, funny black-translucent type blobs that float across when my eyes move.
tang0 said:
:o :o :o :o

I don't like the sound of that

Ive had them ages though, funny black-translucent type blobs that float across when my eyes move.

google for "eye floaters"
skullman said:
I don't think he has much of a choice :)

hehe, should've rephrased that :p 'Notice when suddenly one eye can't see anything, or its all warped', but same difference really :p

Its no trouble to go to an optician. They're all over the place and an exam only costs £5-£10, quite often you can just walk in and make a booking either for then, or within a few hours. I think everyone should go, not just because I'm forced to endure it yearly due to having glasses :p

More on-topic, I had very minor RSI in my thumb but I took heed and got a nice MS Natural keyboard. No problems at all now :)
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