A Christmas Carol - help

30 May 2005
Greater Manchester
OK, this will seem a very odd request for this time of year.

At the weekend, during a conversation with my partner about Charles Dickens, she mentioned that as a child she used to have a copy of A Christmas Carol with illustrations, and she is sorry to have lost it.

Like you do, you register a potential present, which I may surprise her with in a month or so when she has long forgotten about it. Problem is finding it.

She said the illustrations were really vivid, and the characters really stood out - like they were made of clay or something - really beautiful.

Does anyone have any idea which illustrator this might be ? There so many different illustrated versions, that it is going to be tricky, but all I have is her description above. If I ask her any more, it will give the game away.

Would really appreciate it if anyone has any suggestions which version this is.

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