A classic

1 Jan 2004
Bought my new shiny Gsync monitor, my most expensive flat screen in 10+ years, and the first time for a black, centre, dead pixel :mad:

Had around 12 flat screen monitors during this period and wondered what is all the fuss.

This monitor is probably the most I have ever paid and as luck would come it has a black dead pixel just right of centre i.e bang on where my right eye focuses.

It's like a piece of food stuck between someone's teeth, or a horrible pussy spot - you try to be polite, but you can't help but stare it...

Do I go for a distance selling return, or suck it up?
Just photographed it and 6/7 pixels comprise the large black dot where my right iris focuses on. How bloody frustrating is this? I am a fairly easy going guy, and if it was in a corner I would probably turn a blind eye (excuse the pun), but this is bang in your face. Sigh :(
Yeah DSR it. No way I'd keep any screen with any dead pixels. Even if it was right in the corner I wouldn't keep it.
Personally I'd return any screen with *any* dead pixels. Use your right to return without reason within 2 weeks, if there's any question of it not being considered faulty.

Needs more people to push crap screens back to retailers, and more retailers to push them back at manufacturers (or stop stocking them) until it's understood at all levels that no visible fault is "within acceptable limits". There wouldn't be any quibble about returning a motherboard or CPU if one of the thousands of tiny circuits didn't work; why should there be for screens?
You also have to consider the value of your monitor has been slashed straight out the box. Were you to sell this on at a later date, it would be worth significantly less as a result of the dead pixel. Hardly fair.
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