A Complete And Utter Nutter

11 Jul 2009
Was coming home just after a small ride out and was behind this idiot on a zx6 I think f model,honestly ive never seen riding like it,he was all over the road flat out on a 30mph twisty road,nearly lost it on one corner

seriously it was painfull to witness,he wont last verylong like that,either dead/paralysed or jail....why?:rolleyes:

was young from what I could tell and just hadn't a clue on how to ride a bike,has to rank as #1 worst ive seen so far

I like to give it the beans sure but at the right time/place/roads
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He won't last long. Especially I'd take a guess to say today was his first ride out of the year too, you always hear of a few fatalities at this time of year as people get back on their bikes, and make mistakes as they've been out of the saddle for a while.

It's unfortunate and mistakes happen, but riders like this give us all a bad image, and are a victim of themselves.
Yep, seen someone like that near me on a GSXR, flat out around the shop, wheelie up side roads as well etc. funnily enough, haven't seen him for the past year....
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as people get back on their bikes, and make mistakes as they've been out of the saddle for a while.
Out of the saddle?
Why would they do something like that, I wonder? :p

Got two just like him here at work, 'cept they're early 40s middle-management and drive Audis and BMWs during the Winter. Nice way to wreck a Fireblade I guess, since they don't have the skills for a Ninja...
Can see it from both angles....

Ive seen pure wreckless riding that I hope will never injure anyone but probably will in the long run and ive been told im a bit mad too. (I race a CBR1000RR and had a 600/650 for roads)

Never have I considered myself a dangerous rider or felt ive posed a risk to myself or others, but some folk don't have the same level of rider training or experience as others. I dont want this to come off condescending and I fear it might so ill stop here. Bikes are a funny thing and hard to explain I suppose.
Can see it from both angles....

Ive seen pure wreckless riding that I hope will never injure anyone but probably will in the long run and ive been told im a bit mad too. (I race a CBR1000RR and had a 600/650 for roads)

Never have I considered myself a dangerous rider or felt ive posed a risk to myself or others, but some folk don't have the same level of rider training or experience as others. I dont want this to come off condescending and I fear it might so ill stop here. Bikes are a funny thing and hard to explain I suppose.

Race a blade.. are you the same Souleh on TDR?

I think we're all guilty of the same sometimes, we don't ride bikes to bimble around. I'm trying to curb mine by getting into track riding.
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