A couple from today

6 Oct 2004
Note these are all scaled down significantly
I've also applied monochrome to most of these, some with a sepia tone.

London Eye from Waterloo side with Sepia tone

Same image without Sepia tone applied

London Eye from Below
I think I may have overdone playing with Sepia tones a bit, Comments and suggestions for future shots welcome

Thanks for looking

They seem to be lacking contrast. They're a bit too bright. I think its contrast they need. I think they're a bit too something, maybe the highlights are too high. Not enough shadow depth. Also, you don't need to post 1280px wide pics. 800x600 is fine and easier to view.
number 3 is the only one that stands out to me at all, the others just don't jump out in any way, number 3 would probably benefit from some work on the levels too...
I'l liking the sepia thing you have going on, looks really good, the shot of the dog looks realy good aswell, maybe you could enter that in the compition for this month (emotion). Great shots :)
cyKey said:
They seem to be lacking contrast. They're a bit too bright. I think its contrast they need. I think they're a bit too something, maybe the highlights are too high. Not enough shadow depth. Also, you don't need to post 1280px wide pics. 800x600 is fine and easier to view.

Thanks, I'll resize those today when I get time, only been using a SLR for about a month so I know enough to know I don't know enough (if that makes sense) thanks for the suggestions, I'll have a bit of a play with contrast and brightness levels tonight. - made smaller

themask70 said:
I'l liking the sepia thing you have going on, looks really good, the shot of the dog looks realy good aswell, maybe you could enter that in the compition for this month (emotion). Great shots :)

I know they aren't good enough for that, there are far more experienced & talented photographers on this forum, thanks for the positive comments :)

bigredshark said:
number 3 is the only one that stands out to me at all, the others just don't jump out in any way, number 3 would probably benefit from some work on the levels too...

Tis why I need practice, composure would be one area I definately need to work on, as before this camera I've only ever used "ordinary" cameras for holiday shots and the like
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Psilonaught said:
did you take these with the 5D? There aren't very sharp :confused:

Yes I did take them with a 5D, however I had everything set to manual and I've only had the camera for a month so it's more than likely to be me not the camera as I'm not experienced at all.

Probably not the best camera for a learner but as I've said in this thread it wasn't originally for me
Yeah try getting started using AV mode and teach yoursel about the aperture. Set up your parameters within the menu to give you more contrast, sharpness & saturation.

I really like the 3rd of your shots. I quite like the lack of contrast here. Gives it age. However you could really bring it to life in post production.
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Psilonaught said:
did you take these with the 5D? There aren't very sharp :confused:

Given the rest of the information in this thread its a bit obvious he is "new" to photograhy and the post-processing side of it. Aside from the general sharpening required from a digital sensor, the full frame sensor of the 5D is asking the best from the lenses. The body doesnt have a great deal to do with the sharpness of the image. What makes you think it does? (out of interest)

As said already, the exposure is off for most of them and they lack "something" to make them stand out. Keep working on it, read as much as you can and keep asking for C&C and you WILL improve :)
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