A couple from tonight

26 Jul 2005
i got here a little too late and i just think it's too dark, especially the town.

Flamborough Lighthouse
Colours look good but I agree the first is too dark, good reason to go back and try again though!

Is there scope to include all of the building in the second pic or is it ugly?
Broadbandplacey said:
my lens isnt wide enough to include foreground on that shot, but that is all of the building.

yeah i need to get back up there for that shot really.

Try and get a little bit of ground in front of the lighthouse if you can, you could always move further away if you cant go wider with the lens.
I love the first one and doint think its too dark:cool:

I would like to see it with a black border and white writting though :)
stuart38 said:
Try and get a little bit of ground in front of the lighthouse if you can, you could always move further away if you cant go wider with the lens.

Personally I'd actually go tighter on just the tower, from about the horizontal line upwards. The rest of the building I find a bit distracting.
[DOD]Asprilla said:
I love the first one.

I never thought Brid could look pretty, so you've done a fantastic job in my eyes.

ah you must know it so well :D

brid is best admired at a distance (the further away you are, the happier you are about it :D)

thanks for all the comments guys
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