A feel good thread

21 Jan 2006
Bideford, Devon
Well basically its as the title goes, everyone should tell us one or more good things we have done/decided/or anything else.

Mine are:
Decided to give up smoking
Starteds my A levels
Found a hair style that actually suits me
lost half a stone of weight (now 9st12) :)
Thats why im giving up smoking, I want to start surfing and I realised last week that I can't run very far without getting a really bad stitch. Plus I won't have stinky hands or breathe now :)
daveyj27 said:
Good girl, i've lost a couple of stone so far this year (hell of a long way to go though). :)

Don't get silly and make yourself ill though. ;)

But apparently I'm a stone and a half under weight, 5"10 and 9st12 is apparently not good :confused:
So now i have to put 3 times as much weight I lost back on :(
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