A few for Critique....

18 Oct 2002
Andover, Hampshire
Hay all, I hope you all had a great Christmas.

I don't post much, I'm a little too picky about my shots, and if I'm honest I don't think they are half as good as others on here.

But, I said last year I would post more, and I have posted more this year than the previous years, and I hope to continue. With that in mind, here are a few that I have taken recently, please let me know what you think.






1) Subject should be facing tree. Or Subject should be correctly exposed. Was the meter fooled by the Christmas lights?

2) Ok but dull as dishwater.

3) Ok but looks like the crop needs to be wider to me. Also a really slow shutter would have helped add a bit of interest, but the trouble is it looks like most of the people are still.

4) Cool.

5) Good but not mu kind of subject matter.

6) My favourite. A bit of blown out highlights. Depending on camera you could may expose for the highlights next time. Compositionally the picture works really well. The only thing I would have tried to do, was slow the shutter even more. If everyone was moving except for maybe one person of interest, then this shutter speed would be perfect. However as there doesn't seem to be any stand out individual I would have left the shutter open hoping to soften the people who are not moving much.
1) as above, if the tree was the focus then the kid shouldn't have been in it or facing the tree. If the kid was the focus they should have been correctly exposed. Tree looks good though.

2) too much space above the candle imho, probably cut that down by a third. Also, can't tell if you've made it B&W or you've corrected the colour on it to make it look white but the point of a candle is the warm yellow light it gives off, the cosy feel which this has lost.

3, 4 & 5) Very nice shots.

6) again, nice apart from the slightly blown sunlight coming through the window. :)
Personal preference but:

1: On first glance I thought it looked cool because the girl's head was rim lit by the lights as she faced them, then I realised she was facing the camera :o I don't think it works because her face is so in the shadow unfortunately.

2: Too much empty space above the tea candle and too tight a crop. Mono processing is pleasing though.

3: Nothing to note really here, it's a cool photo and a useful one too showing a lot of stuff going on to look at.

4: A bit too tight a crop again here.

5: Too tight crop again, needs more context around the frame.

6: A fine shot, I'd like to have seem more highlight detail recovered on the sun beam just to add a bit more detail there as it's a bit overexposed!
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