A few from wales

11 Dec 2003
Heysham, Lancs
C&C welcome.
Pics taken with FinePix S5000 on manual. Hate the auto programs.
Just wondering about getting back in photography again.



Is that Portmerion (spelling). Cool place.

I was just wondering why you took that top landscape pic at f4.5?

divuk83 said:
Is that Portmerion (spelling). Cool place.

I was just wondering why you took that top landscape pic at f4.5?


yep, tis Port Merion, superb place for photos, though you need to get there early to avoid the crowds.
Cant remember why i took at that aperture, just that it gave the most life like appearance. that pic was taken at 7:30pm or a bit later and ppl were still in the sea!!
Shoei said:
C&C welcome.
Pics taken with FinePix S5000 on manual. Hate the auto programs.
Just wondering about getting back in photography again.

I like those photos. I have the S9500 I assume the model that you have is similar I too have a dislike for the auto, but have problems focussing manually with the digial viewfinder do you have any problems with this?
MaxPower said:
I like those photos. I have the S9500 I assume the model that you have is similar I too have a dislike for the auto, but have problems focussing manually with the digial viewfinder do you have any problems with this?

tis the likkle baby brother to the S9500.
Auto is a pain, but my biggest hate is shutter lag. its terrible. Good for landscape and static shots, no good for moving shots, ie kiddies parties where they are running round.
The digital viewfinder is not so good, not as bright or clear, so i tend to use the preview screen on the back.
First two look lovely but i feel that the last one would have looked nice if it wasn't for all of the trees cluttering the shot.
themask70 said:
First two look lovely but i feel that the last one would have looked nice if it wasn't for all of the trees cluttering the shot.

cheers for that.
was hoping the trees would have helped frame the shot, but the shaped tree infront of the pink house doesnt help.
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