A few Jailbreaking questions

12 Sep 2006
I know there are a lot of guides about on how to do it but none really explain what you will lose and the risks it brings. So I have a few questions.

1) Will I void any form of warranty/insurance by doing it
2) Will I lose all current downloaded applications? And if so can I re-download purchased ones for free?
3) Can doing it completely brick the phone or can any fault be fixed through a restore?

Not an expert here by any means but this is my take on your 3 questions

1. No, Just do a fresh restore with official firmware before taking it back if you have issues
2. Yes and Yes (everything will remain in iTunes on your pc/mac)
3. With any hack type situation there is allways risks, allthough ive done heaps of restores / jailbreaks on the two iPhones i have here and ive never had an issue that a fresh restore wont fix (not saying that its 100% safe by any means)

Just do it, the phone is a lot better jailbroken trust me :D
Have you the latest iTunes ?

They are all kept in the applications tab and installed again just by sync'n your phone after selecting them in your phone tab once its connected

My iTunes is only showing my latest downloaded app in there.
Is there anyway I can get all the ones I've got on my phone into there as well?

EDIT - Never mind. Sorted it now. :)
Not sure were aloud to post much about this topic at all. But it is dead easy to do, google quickpwn :)
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One more thing to do with this.
How do apps like SwirlyMMS work in terms of price plans?
I'm on an o2 contract which obviously doesn't include mms so will I be charged on top of my standard rate?
I have also heard of people having problems receiving working mms due to not having an mms enabled sim?
1st thing you gotta do is get them to switch the mms on for your account.

And any sent will definetly be outside your contract
Sorry- didn't want to make another thread. I just jailbroke my iPhone and grabbed NES from Cydia. How do I get the roms onto it? Do I get them from the iphone, or get them on my computer and send them over? If so- how?

Edit: NVM just found out how on youtube via OpenSSH :)
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