A few landscape shots

18 Oct 2002
Hatfield (The nice bit)

I got my D50 a little while ago and i've been playing with it. I took it out climbing with me yesterday and got a few landscape shots from about 30' up in an Oak tree. There not the best shots because it was raining and the camera took a while to get hoisted up the tree. By the time it had got there the shower had stoped and the dark sky was moving off so the rainbow doesn't show up as much.

The camera was in full auto mode, i didn't have time to fiddle with the controls as the best place for the shot wasn't the best place to stand.

The ground looks like something you'd see in the parks in Africa. I'm not a landscape photographer at all but to me it doesn't look like the sky is doing much apart from a feint rainbow. In the second shot I am finding the clutter of the tree too the right a bit too distracting.

Obviously its all about practice and maybe taking filters along to play with the sky and make it boom out more in the picture is something you could look at doing in the future?

I understand you didn't have time to play with the 'controls' but certainly this is one of the most fun aspects to photography for me and I'd say definately have a go at getting away from Auto mode :) Let it be you that takes the photograph, not the camera.

Just my thoughts.
Try a few extra angles when taking the pictures, and experience with the depth of field.
Some editing helps it along........


And it was very quick and crude edit, just to show the idea.
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