A few of my Photo's - please comment [56k unkind]

18 Oct 2002
Lo all,

I’ve been lurking in the photography section for a while now, posted a couple of times but I’ve been afraid to put any pictures up.

I thought I would post 10 pictures that I’ve taken over the last few years and hopefully you lot can give me some pointers on where to improve.

They were all taken with an Olympus C-5000 zoom but I’m hoping to get a Nikon D50 when I get a bit of cash together. I think the biggest problem is the poor resolution but like I say, I’m trying for a better camera.

This first one was taken on an early morning drive with a mate of mine (he was driving lol)


This next one was taken at a park in Cheltenham. I didn’t have a tri-pod so I had to balance the camera on a rock. Thought I would throw in one long exposure of water hehe.


And from the same park I got this nice reflection on the lake.

I'm going to have to Link to the last one because its a composition of a few photos and the length doesnt llook right on the forums.

Anyway let me know what you think!


Thanks guys!

Is there anything I should be looking to improve/work on with the new camera? Gamefreak, you said the road one was the weakest, what would you change with the composition. I must admit I was a bit bleary eyed at about 5.30 in the morning taking that one.

Cheers again

Hi again,

All I can say is thanks again :) you're a supportive lot!
Thank you to Colin for providing an example to compare, Very nice shot by the way! :) I should mention that the car was moving at the time of taking that one (camera resting on the dashboard and focused to crop out the bonnet) so I was a bit limited in where I placed the camera.
A Huge thank you to Ranarama for going through each one! I shall take what you have said on board the next time I take the camera out.
As for the Olympus it's great for a compact and it does give you the option to change shutter speed and aperature but if you want to manually select both then it auto-corrects if you're letting in too much or too little light. It just feels like you don't have full control. Also the ISO is limited to a maximium of 320. I'm doing a Graphic Design degree and my lecturers keep drumming into us that if we want to use images then they have to be the highest quality possible to get good print results.
Thats the main reason why I'm after a D50.
Also thanks to Nix, I will have a play on photoshop and see if I can make it any better.

Cheers again!

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