A Few pics from SPA

28 Mar 2005
Just wanted to upload a few pics from the weekend. Im only doing this as a hobby so don't be to harsh, but id still love feedback.

I will stick most in Spoiler Tags as they are huge!!

rain by Jon Hills, on Flickr

Harrie-0381 by Jon Hills, on Flickr

rossi by Jon Hills, on Flickr

Alonso by Jon Hills, on Flickr

alonso2 by Jon Hills, on Flickr

forceindia by Jon Hills, on Flickr

JB1 by Jon Hills, on Flickr

jb2 by Jon Hills, on Flickr

kimi by Jon Hills, on Flickr

nico by Jon Hills, on Flickr

ricardo by Jon Hills, on Flickr
Nice pics, you really don't need a 400mm lens at some places in Spa then, I've been before but that was before I was into DSLR photography.

My only suggestion would be to choose a slower shutter speed and pan to get some background blur and tyre blur, thus achieving more of a sense of speed.

id had quiet a bit of beer by the end. I did want that though, next time I'm going to slow it right up, the hardest was trying to focus on the drivers / steering wheel. All these were taken free hand with that beast of a lens.

some of these have been cropped a lot!
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