A few questions (upgrade/warranty related)

11 Jun 2003
The Shadows (london)
Morning all, i think i might purchase ocuk's 4gb memory kit seeing as its so decently priced and i was wondering if anyone knows if it will work with a MB139LL/A model mac mini?

all of official specs say my model till only accept 2gb max however i am seeing mac minis shipping with 4gb memory so I'm slightly confused hehe

i might also be after a hdd too but ill see how i get on with my fw-hd for now.

what i really need to know is will changing a hdd or memory kill my warranty?

From reading the specs from Mactracker, that model Mac Mini (Mid 2007) officially supports 2Gb but it's possible to put 3Gb in it although I don't know how. The newer (Early 2009) models support 4Gb.

I've learned recently that taking apart a Mac Mini officially voids your warranty. Of course, if you do it carefully and don't make leave any physical evidence that you've done so, they'll never know :)
Opening my mini was one of the most nerve wracking things I've ever done. It didn't help that I managed to destroy my infra red receiver in the process...
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