a first for ocuk photo forum...

26 Jul 2005
... or at least i think it is. I've never seen anyone do this before on ocuk (maybe because they aint as stupid as me...)

any guesses as to the possible uniqueness and stupidity on the following grainy infrared:

well done flib :D

yeah someone i know shoots IR with a sony P&S thats got a night mode on it. It gives perfect IR's that are possible when handheld.

Next time i look at my phone i realize it has a night mode, as you can see its just grainy and soft but i can do IR with my mobile :p
yes it is at riveuax terrace.

unfortunately it was a wasted trip, really bad light and the view down to the abbey is hindered too much by trees. Also got feet soaked in the wet grass. and then had to go to a book launch later that dat with wet shoes.

if you havent heard of this guy Mark Denton check out the website as it's really good. The yorkshire book is beautiful, i got mine signed and everything :p

the guy on the front desk just continued to talk to us as if we were OAP's like the rest of the people there.

"and it's only a short walk at about a mile and it's all flat"

we're 20, walking a mile up hills isnt really gonna be a problem is it :p
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