A gaming spec PC for around £700

17 Jan 2013
Hi guys, due to some great help in a previous thread (from Mr Doomspeed), I've decided to make a new one with a request to get some help on what kind of hardware to shoot for with a budget of £700.

Things I don't need:
- Any HDD above 500gb
- Peripherals
- Overclocking capabilities (although I realise that it's fairly easy overclock a gfx card)

I play a lot of new games and am only now finding that my current PC (an older OC pre-built machine) is falling behind. However, this time around I've decided to build it to get a better machine for the money!

Thanks for the help guys, and 'this week only' offers are much appreciated as I'll be buying it asap!
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I'm assuming you already have Windows?
Apart from that it looks good, I would only have tweaked the ram to 8gb and lost the optical drive in order to pile that cash into a 7950.

Well, to put it plainly, I have already ordered the Motherboard, GFX and RAM. So any edits to the system would have to be around the remaining items. I do have a stretchable budget though. :)

And yes, I have Windows 7 ready to go.
Is the order already dispatched? You could cancel it if its in the warehouse queue or phone em up and ask them to change a few parts :)
Just out of curiosity though, what differences are there between yours and mine? I've just had a look and yes, unfortunately it has been dispatched. To be honest, I only play Dota 2 and Guild Wars 2 on a consistent basis, so I have a feeling that the 7950 would have been a bit overkill, although (as I understand it) it's an amazing card.
If you're only wanting one gfx card the gd55 is a bit overkill unless you've already got a number of other pci-e cards. I'd drop down to the g43 which also gains you a better cooler and frees up enough dosh to go with a 7950. It might be overkill on gfx initially but at least it would be getting used rather than mobo sockets sitting empty. I think that would future proof things better within the realms of that budget.
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If you're only wanting one gfx card the gd55 is a bit overkill unless you've already got a number of other pci-e cards. I'd drop down to the g43 which also gains you a better cooler and frees up enough dosh to go with a 7950. It might be overkill on gfx initially but at least it would be getting used rather than mobo sockets sitting empty. I think that would future proof things better within the realms of that budget.

I actually just double-checked and it was the G43 that I had ordered, not the GD55.

I tend to be more of a one/two-game type of guy though so I'm happy to leave the 7850 as it is. Or rather, I already have a 6850 installed and it copes well with everything I play, if not just lagging slightly on heavy fights on Guild Wars 2. So the 7850 will still be a massive upgrade for me. Thanks for your advice though, much appreciated. And yours too Bacon. :)

Just to add, I was also inclined to get the 7850 while it was on offer as it seemed like a great deal. :)
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