a GeForce now quick question

21 Jan 2012
As I'm waiting for the 3 series to announce/release to either buy, or bite at a 2080/s/ti I was thinking of maybe using GeForce now. But I'm a bit confused.

So Can I sign up, load up geforce now, load up any game installed on my pc, and it'll stream via GFN now at 1440p max setting.

It's really only for my heavily modded witcher 3, skyrim and probably AC:O

Or am I missing something?
I've played with it a bit. It works brilliantly as long as your internet is up to it, but the list of games it supports isn't comprehensive. Witcher is on there but I don't think Skyrim is. Here's a list https://www.gamewatcher.com/news/nvidia-geforce-now-games-list

The games don't have to be installed on your PC but you have to have bought them through Steam, Epic or Uplay. You'll sign into one of those accounts from Geforce Now when you start the game. As it streams the games rather than running them on your machine, mods aren't supported. There's a touch of input lag but it's impressive for what it is. Playing AC:O on a 4k TV at ultra settings through a media PC with a G3258, 4GB DDR3 and no GFX card seems like some kind of witchcraft!

What if I have games installed onto steam. I hadn't bought via steam. Would those work?
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