A good read for uATX G33 Boards

I've got a Gigabyte board in the post, bit disappointed by the overclocking results there, picked it over the Asus because of the RAID.

Jokester, remember not all boards are equal, just like CPU's

I've got a Gigabyte G33 and can get 3.2Ghz out of a G3 Quad. And I had absolutely no luck when I tested the Asus with the same CPU/ram combo.

Go figure eh?
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Any specs on the build?

I've just bought a effluents load of stuff for some builds this weekend, no mATX stuff but since watercooling my Quad in the mATX rig I've got the bug and am going to build a new desktop machine from scratch watercooled, and watercool my C2D E6420 rig.
Gigabyte G33 board
2GB Ballistix
Solid State RAID
8800GTS 320

Hoping to squeeze it all into a Sugo SG03 and watercool everything, it's going to be tight.

Wow good luck with that, definitely the next mATX rig I build will be a Silverstone TJ08, its got two 120mm fan spots just begging for a couple of PA120.1's :D
I've been eyeing the TJ08 for a while and I reckon a 160.1 "might" just fit in the front with some TLC and removing the HDD bays (which are in a silly place anyway)

The access time makes all the difference but it's the silence I love.

Haha, nice. :)

Been meaning to pick up a better cooler and fans for my setup for a while now, maybe I should, especially if the Asus overclocks as well as Anandtech shows.
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