A good reason not to holiday in Turkey?

23 Sep 2006
So, last night i was looking at holidays and whilst researching on tripadvisor about one particular hotel in turkey i read a comment about no pork products being served (it's an all inclusive hotel) and i was aghast. I thought even though it's a muslim country surely they would do so as the vast majority of tourists are going to be international and would like to eat pork.

As a result I immediately struck this hotel and potentially the whole of Turkey from any holiday considerations. The thought of going for two weeks with no porky goodness is a deeply disturbing one, I LOVE bacon and a holiday breakfast without any would be a very sad one indeed.

What are others thoughts? Deeply shallow and petty or justified?

Please consider that i have been to Turkey several times before as a child, though not at an all inclusive hotel, and all i'm looking for in a holiday is somewhere nice and hot where i can eat, drink and vegetate.
I think that going to a foreign country and eating what you would at home is very depressing and shortsighted.

So every single item that you eat on holiday is from that country of origin and has no relation to anything you eat at home?

I'm not saying that i'm one of these types that has to have chips with every meal, i consider myself to have a wide and varied palate and will eat most foods. So on a foreign holiday i will eat much of the local cuisine, however I am very much a carnivore and if a hotel is refusing to provide one of my favourite meats then i find it a little off-putting.
I pity you, I really do. Turkish food is one of my favourite cuisines in the world. Trust me on this, as soon as you take your first bite of marinated lamb, just cooked freshly on the coals with some grilled peppers and some pide, eating pig will be the furthest thing on your mind.

As i said above, i have been to turkey 4-5 times previously. And i don't think i'll be eaing marinated lamb for breakfast.

To be honest, it's mainly the baconless breakfast that i have issues with.
Are you a bit of a porker?

A couple of stone overweight, nothing ridiculous. Do i have to be a massive fatty to enjoy food?

All inclusive, stay at home.

Why do people like all, inclusive.
Would hate to stay in the same complex all day. Go see things, go try local restaraunts.

Because I am lazy, sometimes when i have a holiday all i want to do is eat, drink, read and relax, I do a few trips and might venture into the local town a couple of times. I work hard all year round and feel that i deserve some time to do nothing in. You may disagree and that's your choice, however, All inclusives are tremendously popular so there are many people that like to do the same as I.

StoutMeister said:
Bring the rashers in your suitcase and let them slow cook them on a radiator in your room.

Good thinking that man, this is the kind of ingenious response i was hoping for.

To be honest, everyone seems to have taken this thread far more seriously than i had intended. I thought i was going to have people laugh and take the wee out of me, alas i am now pitied and judged. I think i will sob into my bacon sandwich and wipe my tears away with some wafer ham.
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Lol op you are denying yourself a chance to experience another countrys cultures, food, architecture weather etc as you cant eat pork for two weeks!? man up and go exploring lifes to short

I did holiday in egypt recently, man did the breakfasts suck, I had to placate myself with croissants.


Bacon = happy times.
Wow OP, quite saddening tbh, you'd think going to another county you would want to explore there food and cuisines rather than having what you have at home.

I approach the matter from the opposite direction, I try to share the wonder of bacon and other meaty goodness to these uncivilised countries, a crusade if you will. Upon scattering bacon freely among the natives they get very excited, and shout whilst waving their fists wildly, even going so far as to chase me around clearly wanting some more. Who wouldn't after being hit in the face by hot greasy bacon?

I'm just doing my bit for international relations, a bit like Jamie Oliver when he tried to starve the fat people of America.
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