A good util to convert .wma to .mp3? (batch would be better)

19 Oct 2002
I have Audacity picked for install in synaptic now (mint), but it says not authenticated, doing this (installing) could allow a malicious individual to damage or take control of your system. I mean I am prob. safe, but want make sure
Well you subject title doesn't really match you posts' content.

1. Nothing wrong with Audacity as a piece of software.
2. No idea what in your configuration is causing you error, check what repositories you are using and whether it is normal for packages in them to be signed. Even a good piece of software could be an issue from a bad source.
3. To answer the question posed in you subject, a simple google search would retun scripts which make use of mplayer and lame to do this sort of thing (even recursively down directory trees).
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