A good video compresser...?

7 Jan 2003
Gold Coast, Australia
Hello im after a really good video compressor, i have a 7 minute film made by a friend for our last day at school but its 1.5gb, its in AVI format.

Now i want to host it on my server but i certainly dont have that much space to upload to, is there a good program that will let me compress this vid down to a more realistic size?
Will anyone who plays this (you can imagine the type, ppl who dont know how to use a computer) i mean is there an exact codec they can install instead of the KL codec.
Is there just a plain and simple codec you can use for divx compressed stuff, which you can use with windows media player?
Ok sorted it i converted the compressed divx file into a wmv without a huge loss of quality gain in size.

So im happy.

Cheers for all your help guys.
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