I'm hoping to have the case run a sort of blue theme. I don't want to plaster the thing in blue - as it can get too much, but the black and blue is hopefully what I'm after.
I'm not sure whether the case comes with fans as standard - but I read a review saying that it doesn't and I suppose 'aftermarket' fans are probably the best solution, even though Akasa apparently make good fans.
I was just wondering if I should go with an Akasa Amber at the front or if I'd be best to go with a blue fan? I understand the Ambers are quite nice fans - but from a cosmetic point of view , I don't want a horrid clash of Amber and Blue somewhere near the front of the case.
I'm not sure whether that will happen or not though.
I'm not sure whether the case comes with fans as standard - but I read a review saying that it doesn't and I suppose 'aftermarket' fans are probably the best solution, even though Akasa apparently make good fans.
I was just wondering if I should go with an Akasa Amber at the front or if I'd be best to go with a blue fan? I understand the Ambers are quite nice fans - but from a cosmetic point of view , I don't want a horrid clash of Amber and Blue somewhere near the front of the case.
I'm not sure whether that will happen or not though.