A little help with the math for level/exp code

11 Oct 2008
Hi guys. I'm using php to make a basic level up experience system.
At the moment I'm using the following math.

$level = 1; //increments on level up
$constantValue = 150;

$level * $constantValue = $exp2level;

Ideally I would like it to be a little more complicated so the exp needed to level isn't so predictable. Now, me and maths have never got along so I'm struggling.

Is there a way I can generate exp results a little like FF7. Like this:
Thanks for any tips :)

LEVEL 1: 0
LEVEL 2: 6
LEVEL 3: 33
LEVEL 4: 94
LEVEL 5: 202
LEVEL 6: 372
LEVEL 7: 616
LEVEL 8: 949
LEVEL 9: 1384
LEVEL 10: 1934
LEVEL 11: 2614
LEVEL 12: 3588
LEVEL 13: 4610
LEVEL 14: 5809
LEVEL 15: 7200
LEVEL 16: 8797
LEVEL 17: 10614
LEVEL 18: 12665
LEVEL 19: 14965
LEVEL 20: 17528
LEVEL 21: 20368
LEVEL 22: 24161
LEVEL 23: 27694
LEVEL 24: 31555
LEVEL 25: 35759
LEVEL 26: 40321
LEVEL 27: 45255
LEVEL 28: 50576
LEVEL 29: 56299
LEVEL 30: 62438
LEVEL 31: 69008
LEVEL 32: 77066
LEVEL 33: 84643
LEVEL 34: 92701
LEVEL 35: 101255
LEVEL 36: 110320
LEVEL 37: 119910
LEVEL 38: 130040
LEVEL 39: 140725
LEVEL 40: 151980
LEVEL 41: 163820
LEVEL 42: 176259
LEVEL 43: 189312
LEVEL 44: 202994
LEVEL 45: 217320
LEVEL 46: 232305
LEVEL 47: 247963
LEVEL 48: 264309
LEVEL 49: 281358
LEVEL 50: 299125
LEVEL 51: 317625
LEVEL 52: 336872
LEVEL 53: 356881
LEVEL 54: 377667
LEVEL 55: 399245
LEVEL 56: 421630
LEVEL 57: 444836
LEVEL 58: 468878
LEVEL 59: 493771
LEVEL 60: 519530
LEVEL 61: 546170
LEVEL 62: 581467
LEVEL 63: 610297
LEVEL 64: 640064
LEVEL 65: 670784
LEVEL 66: 702471
LEVEL 67: 735141
LEVEL 68: 768808
LEVEL 69: 803488
LEVEL 70: 839195
LEVEL 71: 875945
LEVEL 72: 913752
LEVEL 73: 952632
LEVEL 74: 992599
LEVEL 75: 1033669
LEVEL 76: 1075856
LEVEL 77: 1119176
LEVEL 78: 1163643
LEVEL 79: 1209273
LEVEL 80: 1256080
LEVEL 81: 1304080
LEVEL 82: 1389359
LEVEL 83: 1441133
LEVEL 84: 1494178
LEVEL 85: 1548509
LEVEL 86: 1604141
LEVEL 87: 1661090
LEVEL 88: 1719371
LEVEL 89: 1778999
LEVEL 90: 1839990
LEVEL 91: 1902360
LEVEL 92: 1966123
LEVEL 93: 2031295
LEVEL 94: 2097892
LEVEL 95: 2165929
LEVEL 96: 2235421
LEVEL 97: 2306384
LEVEL 98: 2378833
LEVEL 99: 2452783
6 Mar 2008
Stoke area
You could have a simple equation that adds a minimum amount + a random amount.

level 22 = level 21 + X% of level 21 + random > 5% but < 10% of level 2120

which would be something like 20368 + 10%(2036.8) + (1018.4 up to 2036.8)

= Rounding up = 23424 to 24442

My PHP is useless so not sure what that would be coded as
21 May 2013
A lot of the time experience/levelling systems will follow some kind of quadratic curve (as you get higher level, the experience required to level up increases exponentially).

Other factors play in to the design of the experience curve - level caps, rate at which it's possible for the player to earn XP; but fundamentally higher level = lots more XP needed.
There's a good document at GameFAQs that breaks down the formulae used in FFVII https://www.gamefaqs.com/pc/130791-final-fantasy-vii/faqs/36775

Try using a graphing tool like this https://www.desmos.com/calculator and have a play around with the equation editor. Once you get a curve that looks about right you can transplant it directly into your game.
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