Im going to do this as soon as I get my hands on some glue (please recommend which type to get) and Dremel disc for cutting plastic (tomorrow or the day after tomorrow)
Please feel free to stop me if you see any problem
Here´s my plan: (TL,DR version at the bottom you monster!)
I recently bought an HP Omen (GTX 960m version) for around 1500 euros (refurbished). With that money I could have gotten a much better specs laptop, but I love the laptop design so decided to buy it anyway.
The thing is beautiful and works nicely. However, the noise when idle and the heat when playing games are starting to bother me quite a bit.
At max of course a gaming laptop is going to be loud, though during idle, the laptop still makes a low but audible hum noise thats kinda distracting. And the heat while playing GTA 5 is around 78 - 88C for CPU and 75-80 for GPU, which is ok, if there´s no throttling. But there is, and I´m too lazy to check if it´s CPU or GPU or both.
After much research and having used the laptop for a few weeks myself, I discovered the culprit of the high heat. The design of the laptop´s bottom is flawed, and I plan to change it a bit.
First lets take a look at the plastic bottom
As you can see, the plastic bottom blocks intake flow of the fans. Air can only get through the triangle holes and then the circle holes (see picture below). The holes are not even aligned, which makes it even harder to get good airflow.
The double layer holes create bigger turbulence, which makes the laptop at idle noisier than it should be.
Look at the flashed area, you will notice the 2 layers, triangle on top and circles under it.
I plan to use Dremel circular saw disc to cut the triangle layer out, the cut area is red lined in picture 2. Then cover the area with dust filter material, most likely my gf´s old stockings
I believe this will help the air flow, lower the volume of the fan AND filter dust out of the laptop. I can change/clean the stocking once in a while easily.
Problem I might encounter is the triangle and circle layers are attached to each other permanently, in which case I will only cut the squares where the fans are, exposing only the fan vents.
What do you think of the plan? Will you encourage it? And do you think the Dremel will do the job of cutting the plastic? Any other suggestions?
Also, to remove the bottom, I have to remove the rubber strips. Reapplying them will need some glue, which type of glue ( gluing rubber to plastic) would you recommend me? I don´t want something too strong that I wont be able to remove it again the next time I want to open up my laptop, but not too light that it wont hold after a long period of time.
TL,DR version: new laptop is too loud when Idle and hot + throttles when playing demanding games. I will cut the bottom plastic cover where the fans are to remedy the problems. Check the pictures and texts above them for clarifications of the plan.
Thanks for reading!
Please feel free to stop me if you see any problem

Here´s my plan: (TL,DR version at the bottom you monster!)
I recently bought an HP Omen (GTX 960m version) for around 1500 euros (refurbished). With that money I could have gotten a much better specs laptop, but I love the laptop design so decided to buy it anyway.
The thing is beautiful and works nicely. However, the noise when idle and the heat when playing games are starting to bother me quite a bit.
At max of course a gaming laptop is going to be loud, though during idle, the laptop still makes a low but audible hum noise thats kinda distracting. And the heat while playing GTA 5 is around 78 - 88C for CPU and 75-80 for GPU, which is ok, if there´s no throttling. But there is, and I´m too lazy to check if it´s CPU or GPU or both.
After much research and having used the laptop for a few weeks myself, I discovered the culprit of the high heat. The design of the laptop´s bottom is flawed, and I plan to change it a bit.
First lets take a look at the plastic bottom
As you can see, the plastic bottom blocks intake flow of the fans. Air can only get through the triangle holes and then the circle holes (see picture below). The holes are not even aligned, which makes it even harder to get good airflow.
The double layer holes create bigger turbulence, which makes the laptop at idle noisier than it should be.
Look at the flashed area, you will notice the 2 layers, triangle on top and circles under it.
I plan to use Dremel circular saw disc to cut the triangle layer out, the cut area is red lined in picture 2. Then cover the area with dust filter material, most likely my gf´s old stockings

I believe this will help the air flow, lower the volume of the fan AND filter dust out of the laptop. I can change/clean the stocking once in a while easily.
Problem I might encounter is the triangle and circle layers are attached to each other permanently, in which case I will only cut the squares where the fans are, exposing only the fan vents.
What do you think of the plan? Will you encourage it? And do you think the Dremel will do the job of cutting the plastic? Any other suggestions?
Also, to remove the bottom, I have to remove the rubber strips. Reapplying them will need some glue, which type of glue ( gluing rubber to plastic) would you recommend me? I don´t want something too strong that I wont be able to remove it again the next time I want to open up my laptop, but not too light that it wont hold after a long period of time.
TL,DR version: new laptop is too loud when Idle and hot + throttles when playing demanding games. I will cut the bottom plastic cover where the fans are to remedy the problems. Check the pictures and texts above them for clarifications of the plan.
Thanks for reading!
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