A moment of Clarity or Dispair?

27 Sep 2007
I only built my rig (in sig) just over a month ago and how happy I am with it.
Yet I have just finished listing my CPU/Cooler/Mobo to be sold. :eek:

Am I short for cash? Not that short! In fact I am, hang on, this is hard to type, if I say it fast, it might not hurt so much;

Gonna buy Intel!

Eeek! OK, this may not be a big deal for most people on here, for me it's 8 years of never putting an Intel rig together for myself. Eight years of always being with AMD.

Easyrider - if you're reading this. Bog off. :p (personal joke)

So, depeneding on how much money I can rake together, I'll be buying an E6750 and getting on with an overclock. Obviously a new SLI board too for my 8800Gts. Gotta squeeze that into a £200 total budget I reckon.

So, I'm left feeling guilty and unsure whether it's clarity or dispair. :(
OK, up for sale is my mainboard,CPU, Arctic Freezer Pro and 4GB Ballistix PC5300 Tracer RAM. :(

Swapping out for E6750, new board (if you can recommend a good OC board for around £80 - must be SLI? And changing the ram down to 3GB of PC6400.

Your thoughts on the new setup compared to the "old" one?
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Your choice to move to Intel tbh, I'd have just waited till the AMD quads came down to their real value and tried one of those out. Sure the Intel will be a good performance boost, but not sure how noticeable it will be, you're AMD isn't as slow as people like to think...

Out of interest, why are you moving from 4gb to 3gb?

Budget mainly - rather have 3GB and spend a little more on the mobo to begin with. Can always pop in another GB in a month or so.
I was toying with going with Intel pre-build with my system. I mean, all the benchmarks favour Intel over AMD what with their OC ability.
Also, the new mobo will be quad ready if I want to then upgrade to an intel quad next year.
No it isn't slow. Maybe I'm power hungry. :confused:
But I can clearly get a noticable gaming boost by swapping out as described.
Crysis and other upcoming nextgen games for instance.
General office applications its fine but I get more and more into gaming everyday. :(
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