A mouse makes a difference..

8 Sep 2006
On Ocuk
Amazing how much a mouse makes a difference in online shooters and it's not all about the frames! On my main gaming system generally I don't do too bad, helping out the team as much as possible with my logitech mx518. But on the other system which is a lot slower but still playable, at times it's been woeful. Many times feeling like when I'm controlling the mouse it's as if it feels laggy, missing many targets and generally being rather crap at any mouse setting.

The difference being the power system has the MX518 and the other lower grade system has been tested with a RAT mouse and a general stock mouse. So last night I swapped over the naff mouse on the lower grade system over to the MX518 I was using on my main system and all of a sudden I was doing more kills than many of my team mates.

So has anyone else felt this before with different mice? Ie the game feels so much different with a higher grade one
It starts to get a bit silly when non-pros start to swear by a specific sensor like the new 16k Hero, saying it upped their KD massively but they seemingly never have evidence from before and after.

hah true!

Can't stand those weighty ones personally, especially with more of a lip on the side. Sometimes it's just too much
Pretty common knowledge I thought, however welcome to the world of knowing that trash mice will actually make you trash at aiming :p

To tell you the truth Zefan, I've always understood that high grade mice were always better but I didn't know by how much when it comes to online first person shooters. I could never play Battlefield on this older system until more recently (x400 -> 980 TI ) but uninstalled by then so didn't get a chance to experience this mouse change. I've even had the opportunity to try chunky weighty mice and I hated them!

On the higher grade system I was always using the MX :D
I have my 15 year old MX518 going strong still. I never got on with roller ball mice. One of my employees used to use a vertical mouse, could not work that one out but I'm sure if I stuck with it I'd get used to it.

Great mouse! Have one here :D
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