Heres my theory of lost socks:
So you put both your socks into the washing machine. You put in your Daz and your Lenor or whatever detergent you use. Now as the washing machine spins it creates a quantum fluctuation therefore unbalancing the laws of Quantum Mechanics in Physics thus creating a miniature black hole. Due to Darwins law of Natural Selection one sock is picked out at random and sucked into the black hole. Once the black hole has the victim the slowing RPM of the washing machine creates very small nuclear fission in the quarks of the black hole therefore making collapse under its own weight. Once it has collapsed it leaves two positronic anti neaturinos which collide which each other destroying any traces of the black hole. On the recieving end other side of the galexy the white hole sends out the missing sock. It is a universal white hole linked to all washing machines in the world thus all socks are kept in this quadrant of space. The cycle continues with every wash and the lone sock is swept into space ready for other space organic beings to discover.
I think its feasble