A new steering wheel - oooh yes please..

Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
Anyone who's read posts from me in any threads about steering wheel controls knows that I pimp only 1....

BRD Sim pedals and wheels...

However - they've released info on the Speed7 wheel - designed to go with the Speed7 pedals that have been out for a while...

It's a beast. :D

Released March 11th....

£950 for the basic wheel - looking at £1100ish for the one with the integrated LCD.

Images and info: http://www.teambrd.co.uk/speed7-wheel.html

Yup - I've pre-ordered one - will go nicely with my speed7 pedals *3 pedal set*

I have yet to be disapointed by any of their products ever - lets hope that it continues.


All I need now is another proper gear stick control and I'll be back playing GPL witha vengence.

I broke my last one. :(
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Farty two said:

thats serious money for a steering wheel i bet they rock!!

i take it you'll go to Francorchamps on 11 March with your free pass now

My first wheel and pedal set from them cost me £400 - still works flawlessly today. *has had the USB upgrade done to it though*

Got the Speed7 pedals already *3 pedal set - proper clutch* and it's great.

I don't just use it for racing games though - I use it as a teaching and training tool for myself and other people. Especially for new tracks I've not driven around.

As for Spa - may go - depends if I can get away for my Mum's birthday which is incidentally the same day...


It was GPL and GP4 mainly.

Refuse to touch GT Legends and GTR as they use starforce as the protection - if I want software that will hapilly open up my system to hackers I'll plug my windows98 pc into the network...

Hoping that a stonking racing game will come out soon so I can have a bit of fun with it.

Behemoth said:
I know I need something better than ye logitech Vibration feed back wheel I've got, but that is well !! If only I could affford to blow that o a steering wheel for my PC !! I could get a new car for that.

However it does look like top quality gear, and if I was allowed to borrow one, I wouldn't say no !!

If you don't mind missing out on Force feedback *which tbh is only a gimmick* try some of the older wheels they do - like the Show V2 with a set of Pro Pedals - you'll only really need 2 pedals so don't bother with the clutch.

I've still got their original F1 Sim wheel here and it's as reliable and accurate as the day I bought it. *coming up to 8 years old now...*

Bolted together like a beast too.

However - Show V2 wheel + Pro = £400

But what you really - really want is one of these.. ;)
Or http://www.brdsim.com/product/simulators/brd-05-car.html

William said:
Hmmm for that money you could get a clapped out Pug205, strip it bare then rally it. Certainly more fun and brown pants material than any simulator.

VBeen there
Done That
Crashed it
Hurt me

Upgraded to a slightly bigger and hugely more expensive toy. :D

DaveyD said:
I think he means it's not exactly the most realistic effect compared to really driving, or something along those lines anyway. Flibster knows what he's on about :p


What you feel through the wheel in a proper car is only part of the full experience

You feel what the car is going through your own movement in the car, g-forces acting on you, what you feel through your backside, through your fingertips on the wheel, through your feet on the pedals...

If I felt what you get on force feedback through a real car I'd be seriously worried...something would be extremely wrong with the car.

William said:
An Impreza? :p

Go wash your mouth out.... :D

I went...classic Italian...

james.miller said:
my 306 cost less than that wheel. whatever way you cut it, £900 is insain for a stearing wheel.

This wheel should last longer than a 306. ;)

It's not the most expensive one they do either - the next one up is designed for professional simulators and costs, well... lots...

Plus I could have spend 45K easily though - on the Lotus 49 replica.. *It's on my christmas list - and has been for 3 years*

SoliD said:
haha sod fiat, lancia baby! damn you flibster any news on it? i miss your motors posts!

You're the only one tbh...

The Stratos is coming together slowly - monocoque has been stripped and crack tested - as have the 2 spaceframes.

Little bit of work on the rear one to do but other than that it looks good. Should start the bolting together again this summer.

SC04 said:
The best Formula 1 sim is a Two stroke racing kart, youll get one for a grand.
20,000 RPM vibrating through your body shouldnt be missed by anyone into racing, theres a good reason why the top F1 drivers use them to keep fit and sharp off season, PC race sims are like playing a Gameboy in comparison, with my point being even £100 for a wheel is too expensive.

Only reason a lot of drivers do karting is that they own their own kart tracks.
It doesn't keep you fit - they spend hours working out for that.

Plus - going karting won't teach me the Monaco layout or Spa short circuit - which is what I want it for.

Anyway - just sold my old wheel and pedals on a forum - worked out that it's in reality almost 10 years old... :eek: - still got £350 for them. :D

Can't wait now....may have to go and bug my mate for a trackday on one of his cars....

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