I saw the Gigabyte z97N-WiFi at an open box clearance deal and so jumped on it. It isn't the best ITX board for z97 but it has everything I need and a pretty good port layout.
The box includes, other than the board itself, 2 SATA data cables, a WiFi antenna, I/O shield and manuals/driver disks. Pretty barebones here. There are 6 SATA ports on the board but only 2 are located at the edge so even Gigabyte thinks consumers will only use those two! Here's a look at the board itself:
The chipset has an anodized aluminum heatsink. Nothing fancy but I bet it is more functional that the typical flashy heatsink on most higher end boards:
Funny enough, the core VRMs themselves have no heatsink:
Gigabyte said they have tested it extensively and used high quality components here. Reviews so far have agreed in that there has been no appreciable difference in overclocking an i5 unlocked chip compared to other boards so it should handle the Pentium/Broadwell i5 as well.
Speaking of overclocking, there is a single 4 pin EPS connector here:
Plenty enough for my purposes again, this isn't an LN2 board by any means.
There are 2 fan headers on the board. Good thing the Graphite 380T has a nice integrated fan controller as well! If using this board with no controller, the best option would be to go PWM with splitters and control off the CPU fan header or just power 3-pin fans direct from the PSU using low voltage adapters if need be.
The socket itself:
The aforementioned 2 SATA ports on the edge:
In fact, pretty much everything you can think of cable wise is on the edge of the board, including front panel connectors, USB 2 and USB 3 headers:
The board comes with Intel dual band wireless AC as standard which I think is actually useful in a HTPC/LAN build:
A look at the back I/O ports:
No displayport in there which is a shame but DVI and 2x HDMI will suit my purposes.
Now since I have the massive CaseLabs TX-10D case as well, I figured I should at the very least see how this tiny thing would work in there. First up, the removable HPTX motherboard tray:
That thing is just lost in there. You can see a yellow ring on the AF120 QE- one of the very few/subtle mods I was allowed to do. The board is actually so small, I can't even screw in the bottom right screw because it is smaller that the CPU cutout in the tray:
This is how it looks inside the TX10, bear in mind what you see is a small part of the actual case as I have it:
This really puts the 380T in perspective!