A particular Beatles song.....

12 Mar 2005
Kings Norton, Birmingham
Hi guys and gals,

I heard a beatles song on the radio a while back and really quite liked it. It had a piano with a clasical piece of music about half way through/towards the end.
Unfortuantely, I didnt get the name of it, so I've played every beatles cd i've got to try and find it, any ideas what it is called? I'm tearing my hair out over this.

thanks in advance
the album i have is the red one, with the big 1 on the front, plus various mp3's on my computer. i think it was either john or paul on lead, not 100% sure tho, this is driving me nuts lol
sorry I havent replied for a while, work has been mental. Still no luck finding this song, thanks for all the suggestions, the search continues.....
right, I have found the song, heard on the radio again today, it was mr blue sky by elo, i thought it was the beatles, very similar musical style. Thanks for your help everyone, eventho i told you the wrong band.
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