A phone camera or a camera camera?

22 Sep 2005
my mam wants a digital camer for her self.
and asked me whether she should get a new phone deal with soem gucci built in 3.2 mpxl camer, or a seperate digital camera ( which i suppose would have to be quite compact

ive just asked her how much she would spend on a seperate camera, and she told me cheap as possible, like £50 or summit

so... i was hoping that some of the experts here would be able to advise on this
Thanks a lot
You can't get an acceptable camera phone for £50 (consider the SE K800, but it's £££), best just look for a cheap compact. I think Nikon do a good cheap one, look for the NIKON Coolpix L4, but spend as much as she can afford.
If your mum only wants to spend £50 on a seperate camera I would definitly get a Sony K800i (the 3.2mp cam phone, i assume thats the one your talking about?) as the quality would be a lot better, unless you could get a second hand qualty compact for that sort of price. The proper camera would have a proper zoom and flash photography would be better but other than that they would pretty much draw. If your thinking of getting a cheap vivitar or similar I would say go for a K800i every time!
Get her to spend £100 or so on a proper digital camera. I have a k800i and the camera is rubbish, and that's meant to be one of the best!
Get a proper camera, go 2nd hand to get within budget.

I have a K800i and for a phone its a fab camera, its not as good as the 2.1mp compact i had 6 years ago to put in perspective.

I got a Pentax Optio S for under £50 so you can get some very good older camera's in budget.
i picked up a canon powershot s45 for £65 plus a 1gb microdrive and 2 battries from the MM and looking at some reviews i got a very nice deal so there are bargins to be had you just need to keep an eye out
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