A polite suggestion FAO BigStan

2 Dec 2005
Stan! We want you back!


Please rejoin the team - your folding power is great indeed!




(Pictures above represent "sad" by the way :/)
lol - great pictures :p

Though I don't think it'll be much use - Stan hasn't chosen to stop folding (well except for the machines he switched to Boinc) it's mainly a case of him being out of the country and his rigs going wayward while he's not around :o
Lol, yes that was a random post :o :D

I mean the boinc ones. When you get back it would be nice to have the Stan farm back on the job :)
He also mentioned he was a little bored as the competition wasn't there for him anymore. Basically he was more productive than all but a few people and it would have taken him months at least to stomp them!

I can understand that, I mean if I weren't stomping people every week I would quickly get bored.

I can understand and respect his reasons.
There comes a point where the vast majority of the competition aspect disappears, i'm reaching that point myself, and when combined with rubbish wu's i stop folding competitively i.e leaving machines on 24/7 and knocking up a big electricity bill. I'll never stop folding completely mind.

For him he has this combined with no more free electricity and lots of technical problems. With free electricity its not so bad because you can keep competing by buying more machines.
I have a feeling the technical problems could be due to machines on the brink of instability, as i remember him saying he doesn't stress test, and as long as it folds it fine. Which is usually ok but with these machines going down so often i wonder if they aren't as stable as he would like to think? Just an idea.

Theres no point going after big folders, the people to pester are the people who don't fold at all. We as a team have one of the highest average ppd per users of any team, so our users work harder than most. What we need is more users.

What i hope stan will do is keep folding but at a less competitive level, just to keep the team moving. I think he's given more than enough to the team, and i thank him for it.
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Looks like a few of Stan's machines may have been kicked back into life - now showing 8 active clients and a definate increase in output over the last few days :cool:

As for losing interest when the stomps stop coming I can fully understand that, happened to me a long long time ago when I managed to make it to 2nd place in the days when the team was still going in a downward direction - I just take pride in the continued progress of the team and the great bunch of people we have here :)
Big Stan, there is no reason to get bored with not stomping
members of Team 10.
Sammael is quite a way off from an overtake if you were up to full power but just look at all the other folders you would stomp in the EOC stats.

I get a little warm feeling whenever I pass someone from Rage 3D as I was a member of thier team for a year.
At the moment there is someone named RU Fighter not many places behind me he keeps catching me but so far hasnt got past (this will obviously change when I start working away again. Been lucky the last job was in York).
So the competition is there you just have to look at the EOC league.
Also its nice to get on the next page, Ill move up to page 3, Whoohoo, before Christmas.

I know Ill never catch WhiteStar but it wont stop me trying my best for Team 10.
I have no borged machines, Ive paid for and built all my PCs, Ive overclocked and maintain all my PCs, and I pay for all the electricity, and yes, Im crazy. ;)

Come on Big Guy you know your heart is in folding.
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Wow. It's nice to be wanted :cool:

To be honest guys, switching to Rosetta wasn't as much fun as I'd hoped. I quickly stomped my way to third place and could have second in a few weeks but there was very little enjoyment in it. I'd need to switch every rig over to BOINC to catch TJC and even then, it would take months. One of the main reasons I enjoy Folding so much is the banter and team spirit we have within team 10. There's virtually none of that with the other projects.

So, to cut a long story short and without further ado.....

........... I've switched 'em all back :D

Most of them are doing p1166s and p1167s and getting decent ppd (the E6600 is on 620 on a p1167 and the E6300 is doing one of each at 487 and 548 respectively).

As I won't be stomping for a while I'll have to get my kicks some other way - so expect much gloating and bragging from me :p

As for my "technical problems", I've identified the main culprit as a dodgy wireless ADSL router (most of the rigs were still working but not connecting - oddly enough the upstairs rigs on the 8 port switch were able to connect but the downstairs ones connected directly to the router weren't). This has been replaced by the newly arrived BT Home Hub (signed up for BT Total Broadband). The old router (Zoom X6) would crash if any decent sized files tried to download and the only thing which would resurrect it was to reboot the rig on which the software was installed :confused:
Apart from that a couple of rigs were having slight issues; the second X2 3800+ was overheating so, for now, I've set it to stock and it's currently at 54c - If I have time tomorrow, I will have to reapply AS5 and reseat the CPU. Also, the E6600 was randomly rebooting and as the GPU client can't run as a service, it wasn't loading (rig is password protected and won't boot into windows until the password has been input so even starting it from the start-up folder won't help). I have upped the CPU and chipset voltages by a notch each and will keep an eye on it - temps are fine (system - 47c and CPU - 45c at full load).

Stan :)

PS: I always wondered whether your machines were borgs or a home farm, Sculptor. I'm impressed by your dedication to the team - your leccy bill must be rather scary. I thought I was mad.
I am determined to have the biggest and baddest home farm in the team so any ideas of selling off rigs and not buying new ones has now been put on the back burner - watch your back dude.
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Welcome back Stan - glad to hear the technical hitches are all fairly simple fixes and no real damage has been done :)

Also, the E6600 was randomly rebooting and as the GPU client can't run as a service
It's been found that the GPU client can actually run as a service as long as the "Allow service to interract with desktop" box is ticked in the Log On tab (go into the service properties and it's the second tab)
Though whether it would work at the login prompt is a different matter, plus if you manually increase the clocks usually after logging in then that won't have happened either - could be a real EUE minefield :o
If we do lets make it public and bring in a few new folders while we're on. Put it in gh perhaps, invite people to compete even if they don't stay with us afterwards.
I'm up for it.
Perfect timing too with the Christmas holidays fast approaching.

Although i'm not sure if we should allow gpus to be part of a single machine in this instance, if we do theres not much point in me competing. Hell theres not much point anyway with these conroes but i'll do it anyway in the hope that some people with similar cpus compete to make it interesting.

We'll have to lay down some well thought out rules to make it fair and fun.
I'm up for it! It's probably gonna involve a few different categories, given that you could call a quad-core system with two GPUs one rig these days. Needs some thought... could make a rule of CPU WUs using the standard client only in the main category, if people were OK with that?

Agree about making it public as well - the aim should be participation :)
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Stan if you are starting new clients on advmethods, from what I remember you usually get a 364 pointer first off. Itll probably be a "tet new". Just be carefull you dont get a couple of WETHERED TESTICLES. :eek: :D
Bigstan said:
Wow. It's nice to be wanted :cool:

To be honest guys, switching to Rosetta wasn't as much fun as I'd hoped. I quickly stomped my way to third place and could have second in a few weeks but there was very little enjoyment in it. I'd need to switch every rig over to BOINC to catch TJC and even then, it would take months. One of the main reasons I enjoy Folding so much is the banter and team spirit we have within team 10. There's virtually none of that with the other projects.

........... I've switched 'em all back
Glad to see you back Mr Bigstan !!!!
sculptor said:
Stan if you are starting new clients on advmethods, from what I remember you usually get a 364 pointer first off. Itll probably be a "tet new". Just be carefull you dont get a couple of WETHERED TESTICLES. :eek: :D

I didn't actually start any new clients. When I switched over to BOINC I ran all the clients with the -oneunit flag and then disabled the service - I never actually deleted the clients as I had a feeling I'd be back sooner or later. When I restarted them all yesterday, I simply re-enabled the service on each machine and started them up (if I'd known about the 364 pointers, I'd have started them all from scratch - those guys give serious ppd - anything from 300 to 1400) - ah well.

Stan :)
Mattus said:
I'm up for it! It's probably gonna involve a few different categories, given that you could call a quad-core system with two GPUs one rig these days. Needs some thought... could make a rule of CPU WUs using the standard client only in the main category, if people were OK with that?

Agree about making it public as well - the aim should be participation :)
A category just for GPUs could be good - could be quite a close fight though could potentially get a bit dull with the consistant output :o
Sorry, been in Oxford (interview!) went fine I think, not sure, impossible to tell really. Just gotta wait now :( :D

Good to have you back Mr Stan. Also, glad you were considering it already so I wasn't completely off the mark with my bizzare and slightly scary post :)

Races are fun. Clogs up the team list, but meh. Might get some interest I suppose. Putting something in your sig is good for that too I expect, so get foldy sigs if you don't already you lazy non-foldy-sig-slackers ;)

Look at the trend line!! That's more like it!
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