A program that does this? (Concerning wallpaper)

18 Mar 2006
Is there a program on the Internet that lets you pick 2 or more wallpapers for your computer to randomly display as the background each time you boot?

So say you had 3 wallpapers, an XP one, a Counter Strike one and a Final Fantasy one. You select these 3 wallpapers in the program and then next time you boot up your PC the Final Fantasy wallpaper might be your backdrop and then the next time it'll be a different one.

Surely there is.. somewhere?
I don't think it can do it like you want it, but Webshots can change any wallpapers you add to it periodically, as often as you want it to. I've got it set to change it once every 24hrs, but it can be anything ranging from a week to an hr.

www.webshots.com if you're interested

They also have some stunning backgrounds to download if you want :)

If im reading what you want right then i would suggest the proggy WinWall ... its free & can change wallpapers at boot or every so many mins randomly & so far i havent noticed any limits with numbers of pictures.


hope that fits the bill
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