A question about electrics.

4 Sep 2005
I am no electrician and not really confident messing with anything other than basic jobs but I do have a question about a room that has a single point socket on the wall.

Can this just be doubled up to a double socket or does a double socket needs two electrical feeds to it? If I could just get a double socket, shut down my electrics, replace the socket and turn back on, I would be very happy.

I search on the internet seems to suggest I can but always nice to get a bit of info from here.
After a bit of a faff I got it done. More because the wire comes up from the floorboards in front of the skirting board. I needed a backplate that would allow the wire in from the bottom. I tried to cut a small hole in the first one using wire clippers and promptly sheared the damn thing in half. Made do with a second one that is actually designed for fitting into plaster boarding but has a proper entry from the bottom.

It's hidden behind a filing cabinet so not disastrous and will do for now until I do more work on that room in the future.

Thanks for all the advice though, it made me feel a lot more comfortable about doing it myself. Easy really, as long as the sensible precautions are taken. :)
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