A question... about EXT2...

3 Oct 2013

I was wondering what makes EXT2 so different from other file management sytems like windows NTFS?

What are the good things (advantages) about EXT2... and why?

Can someone please explain this to me in simple terms as i am n00b when it come down to this stuff...:o

I'm sorry but this is (a) something which there looks to be a load of information on with a quick Google and (b) something that looks very much like a homework question which you should be trying to answer yourself (particularly as academic questions tend to be out of date and the current Ext# filesystem is Ext4).
^Also a discussion forum - there's a wealth of information which can end up being quite confusing ;p

You are probably better comparing ext3 & ext4 with ntfs, as both ext3 & ext4 are journalised. Ext4 I think has support for ssd's.

Ext2 is still used though. Of course plenty of information on the internet if you do some initial research and want to add to a discussion then more than welcome to :)
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