You buy goods from an online retailer and i understand that there is a "7-Day cooling off" period within which you can decide that after seeing the items that they are not suitable and you can ask for a refund, i understand that this process would involve paying some kind of fee to the retailer for restocking.
Now, this quote is taken straight off of a government site-
"The purpose of the Directive is to increase consumer confidence and so strengthen the single European market by providing an agreed minimum level of consumer protection throughout the EC. The aim of the cooling-off period is to give consumers an opportunity to examine the goods or services being offered, as they would have when buying in a shop."
You cannot "examine the goods or services being offered, as they would have when buying in a shop" if they do not work.
Now, if a retailer sells you an item, which you receive faulty & therefore does not work at all and then return for a replacment, when does the 7-Day Cooling off period begin, the day you receive the faulty item or the day you receive the working replacment?
Now, this quote is taken straight off of a government site-
"The purpose of the Directive is to increase consumer confidence and so strengthen the single European market by providing an agreed minimum level of consumer protection throughout the EC. The aim of the cooling-off period is to give consumers an opportunity to examine the goods or services being offered, as they would have when buying in a shop."
You cannot "examine the goods or services being offered, as they would have when buying in a shop" if they do not work.
Now, if a retailer sells you an item, which you receive faulty & therefore does not work at all and then return for a replacment, when does the 7-Day Cooling off period begin, the day you receive the faulty item or the day you receive the working replacment?