My current hd ( 160gb SATA)is still working but I suspect there is something wrong with it.
I have brought another hard drive (160gb SATA2) which I am going to fit and do a fresh install of XP.
My question is can I leave the current HD in situ with the OS etc on it, fit the new HD install XP on it and then access the old drive using Windows Explorer to copy my settings and data files onto the new HD? I will then refomat the original HD and use it as a back up (or possibly set up a Raid 1 Array). My worry is that when I try to access the original hard drive my pc will try and open Windows XP again!!!!!
I have brought another hard drive (160gb SATA2) which I am going to fit and do a fresh install of XP.
My question is can I leave the current HD in situ with the OS etc on it, fit the new HD install XP on it and then access the old drive using Windows Explorer to copy my settings and data files onto the new HD? I will then refomat the original HD and use it as a back up (or possibly set up a Raid 1 Array). My worry is that when I try to access the original hard drive my pc will try and open Windows XP again!!!!!