A random selection of shots

20 Apr 2004
Just a few shots that I've taken/processed recently. Apologies to any dA folk that have seen them already. Comments/critique welcome. :)

Arches at Whitby Abbey:


Red Door & Gate

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The second one is quite pleasing to the eye but the bottom of the photo feels a bit cramped. If you have already cropped the image, could you try again and leave some space between the edge of the photo and the trolley? I think it would improve the shot.
Yeah, I know what you mean, but unfortunately it's as close to full frame as I can get it after straightening it up.
Bit of a bugger then eh? Still, it's a nice shot.

I don't really like the first one, not because it's a bad shot but because it doesn't interest me. I would advise you to crop the shot slightly as there is a distracting area in the top right and what looks like a metal rail in the bottom right.

The third is pleasant enough but the burnt-out sky and the distracting elements on the right-hand edge (looks like a windowsill) are pulling my eye all over the shop. Not 100% sure about the roof being in the shot either.

The water one is nicely done but again doesn't interest me. Don't take that as a criticism though.

The fourth is a pleasing shot but also needs a slight crop. The light coming through the trees on the top left and the hillside on the top right are pulling my eye away from the focal point of the shot. Can we see a colour version of this?

The dice is a good idea but it's too bright for me to look at for a long period of time. I like the 3,4,5 thing though.
Ooooh, thanks, good points. Though in my defence, the sky isn't burnt-out in #3, it's close but it's not white. ;)

In all honesty I'm terrible at spotting those little distractions round the edges of the frame, not as bad as I was in the past but I still let too many slip past. :) Here's a couple of variations on #4, any better? I'm not too fond of the colour one myself, dunno why...


Carrot said:
Ooooh, thanks, good points. Though in my defence, the sky isn't burnt-out in #3, it's close but it's not white. ;)
Fair enough!

Carrot said:
In all honesty I'm terrible at spotting those little distractions round the edges of the frame, not as bad as I was in the past but I still let too many slip past. :) Here's a couple of variations on #4, any better? I'm not too fond of the colour one myself, dunno why...
I like the coloured one more than the B&W one - there's enough variation in the greens to provide interest where as I think the B&W is slightly flat. At least for my peepers anyway. Maybe doing some selective desaturation of the colours would be the best of both worlds, but it's not my picture so I'll leave that up to you!

One last thing, and something I forgot to mention before; the horizon is on a wonk. If you straighten it out I think it will finish things off nicely.
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