A rather random request for photos ...

6 Nov 2005
I have been asked by my mother to find some pictures for her to use for her speechday this year - this Saturday. I would very much appreciate it if people could post an image that could be used. It would really do me (and her) a huge favour :)

She's after pictures related to colours of the rainbow - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet - and connected to science themes done with her kids. These are the human body, forces, materials, sound, light, electricity, animals, green plants and the environment. These are young children - reception to 10 years, so they need to be fairly child friendly.

Many thanks to anyone who helps out here - if it isn't too cheeky to ask, could they be of decent resolution if possible :rolleyes:.
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Hows this?


Email me (in sig) if you want a high res - got it at 3072 x 2048 @ 300dpi. It's not the sharpest pic but it hopefully fits one of your categories.
That'll do green plants and violet very nicely. Much obliged.

I've probably got blue sorted out - just doing that now.

Any input on ANY of the themes or colours would still be lovely.
This is what I've come up with for blue and materials (scaled down a fair bit):


These don't have to be amazing shots, I'm just after the general effect.

@ RichDay - I've e-mailed you :)
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Red (I have this in yellow too, but can prob tweak it to any colour to suit)




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