A really unique custom system we designed & built for Youtuber JayEmm

OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
Hi there

Here is a PC our system department worked closely with JayEmm on for his needs, big thanks to him for the video he has done and an insight to that OcUK is far more than just a box shifter and that we build truly bespoke and unique systems. We can do anything, got a design idea or system requirement, get in touch. :)

Is that the chap with the loud shirts and a girth that makes even myself

look svelte? Does car road tests? Not watched the video yet, but as a Luddite the "Ferrari of PC's" sounds well outside my meagre budget, but it's always good to look at the creme de la creme of stuff in awe.

Yes and we do all kinds of systems, our most expensive to day is the new flagship 8 Pack £40,000 system.

We sell a few units a month now. :)
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