A riddle for you!

12 Jun 2004
Quick riddle that my friend shared with my English class.

What word has one meaning if the first letter is a capital one and another different meaning if the first letter isn't a capital letter?

I'll post the answer later on. :)
Johnny Girth said:
LOLZ. The moon doesn't glow OR need a capital!
The Moon does need a capital, as it's a noun, but for other moons no. When used as a verb though...
Encarta Dictionary said:
3. vti expose buttocks to somebody: to bend over and deliberately expose the bare buttocks to somebody, either as a rude joke or as an act of defiance and disrespect (informal)

Don't like my thread anymore. Our A-Level English class failed to think of any of these on the spot and the answer given was:

Polish and polish. :o

Sigh i give up. Turn this thread into a riddle one or something. :(

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Johnny Girth said:
LOLZ. The moon doesn't glow OR need a capital!
It appears to glow and I think technically speaking it does need a capital. There are lots of moons in the universe so if it has a capital we know which one specifically you're talking about.
Prescott: deputy prime minister
prescott: a bloated fool who does a good impression of a bad carpenter... *

*2 dodgy screws and the whole cabinet falls apart ;)
TripleT said:
Damn A-level English must have gotten REALLY easy.. :p

My first A-Level English class the teacher stood at the front to write the register and asked for all names beginning with A, B, C etc. Was working fine until she missed "H" altogether without even noticing when finished (and double checked btw) :( Strangely, I immediately lost confidence in new teacher :p
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