A rough guide to electricity useage?

15 May 2006
Ok i realise this question can be effected by a number of factors!
But can anyone give a rough cost to running a tower (monitior off) for a 24 hour period!!?

Lets keep things simple and assume elec is same rate all day.
Things to effect the consumtion, the PSU been the main factor im guessing?!

The reason behind this question is when i just leave comp 24/7 and im getting it in the neck for elec bill! how much is it exaclty costing?!
50p a day? £1 a day?
If on average the computer uses 200w (soetimes idle and sometimes load) and your electricity costs around 8p p/KWh then it would cost 38.4p per day.
Mines is 11.4p/2.3p day/night, 8.3p kWh average or £2 per kW/day. Uses 200W idle, 500w on load. Depends when its on, but (0.2x.083x18)+(0.5x.083x6)=£0.55/day or £50/quarter+vat and a bit of the service charge?
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